Los Angeles Premiere
Written by Peter Sinn Nachtrieb
May 22 - June 20, 2010 |
West Coast Premiere
Men of Tortuga
Written by Jason Wells
February 27 - March 28, 2010 |
West Coast Premiere
The Pain and the Itch
Written by Bruce Norris
July 25 - August 23, 2009
A Co-Production with The Theatre @ Boston Court |
Los Angeles Premiere
Hunter Gatherers
Written by Peter Sinn Nachtrieb
January 24 - February 21, 2009 |
Los Angeles Premiere
The Night Before Christmas
Written by Anthony Neilson
November 29 - December 20, 2008
West Coast Premiere
U.S. Drag
Written by Gina Gionfriddo
October 26 - November 22, 2008

World Premiere
An Impending Rupture of the Belly
by Matt Pelfrey
April 7-May 12, 2007
(Extended thru June 9) |
World Premiere
Canned Peaches in Syrup
by Alex Jones
October 6-November 10, 2007
(Extended thru November 17) |
Saturday Night at the Palace - Revisited!
By Paul Slabolepszy
Directed by Dámaso Rodriguez
April 26 - May 31, 2008
Los Angeles Premiere
Back of the Throat
by Yussef El Guindi
June 24-July 29, 2006
(Extended thru August 13) |
Los Angeles Premiere
by Craig Wright
October 7-November 12, 2006
(Extended thru December 2) |
U.S. Premiere
Scenes from the Big Picture
by Owen McCafferty
October 22-November 21, 2004 |
Los Angeles Premiere
The Shape of Things
by Neil LaBute
January 21-February 20, 2005
(Extended thru February 26) |
West Coast Premiere
The God Botherers
by Richard Bean
March 24-April 24, 2005 |
U.S. Premiere
Tearing the Loom
By Gary Mitchell
May 27-June 26, 2005 |
World Premiere Adaptation
The Fair Maid of the West Parts I & II
by Thomas Heywood
adapted by James C. Leary & Dámaso Rodriguez
October 15-November 12, 2005
(Extended thru December 10) |
U.S. Premiere
by Jez Butterworth
February 21-March 23, 2003 |
U.S. Premiere
by Simon Block
April 25-May 25, 2003 |
U.S. Premiere
Saturday Night at the Palace
by Paul Slabolepszy
April 26-May 19, 2002
(inaugural production) |
U.S. Premiere
by Alex Jones
June 28-July 21, 2002
(Extended thru August 4) |
The Playboy of the Western World
by J.M. Synge
September 20-October 13, 2002 |
Read how it all got started!
